Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm embarrassed by how long it has been since I've posted about the little miss. Since my last post, she's started walking, has a pretty full and ever expanding repertoire of words/signs, and has even peed on the potty! She's been on a plane and travelled across the country, and pretty much is a gal on the move! We've been having fun exploring the world together. She's enjoyed making lots of new friends and being dangerous, tis the season I suppose.

I love this picture of Dahlia. She is sitting what I like to believe is my old rocker from when I was a baby, although my mom insists that it was Matt's. I'm sure everything was Matt's as I was the second, but regardless, I remember it as my own, and Dahlia sitting in it with her baby feels very special to me. My mom was wanting to donate it to goodwill, but I insisted on disassembling it and stuffing it in my suitcase to take home. I hope it lasts until my kids have their own little squirts. I'm sentimental in that way.

Below, Dahlia is playing one of her favorite games with Grandma Margaret (peekaboo around the corner). She is a real charmer. She started really walking just before we travelled to Ohio for cousin Shaun's birthday. Dahlia got lots of practice trucking around the airport as we waited for our flights. She was an angel, slept alot of the air trips, both there and back and was very charming and friendly with all
of our neighbors. It was just her and I and it was fun to have such uninterrupted one on one time with each other. She really enjoyed Nana and Shaun quite a bit, too. Although she wasn't saying Nana while we were in Ohio, shortly after our return and while looking at a picture of her, Dahlia pointed to the picture and did say "Nana." She has also been saying "night night" and basically calls all birds, dogs, ducks and cats "dog dog."

Toward the end of our trip in Ohio, Shaun and Dahlia were really getting along just like brother and sister, complete with Dahlia stealing away his toys with a very stealth, inconspicuous nature of the little sister and Shaun running after her trying to rescue his stolen and prized possessing before being broken my little, careless and clumsy hands. Overall, I think a wonderful time was had by all.

So, in four days, that little stink, who thinks she can traverse stairs both up and down (and can't), will turn one year old. We are gearing up for a big party, with nice weather, to take place outside. Balloons and bugs, that's the plan. First birthday's are weird because they really don't get it. That's okay, though. Should be a fun time for the kids. And, as a special treat, Dahlia gets to spend her first birthday with Grandpa Ed and Grandma Lynn! I just can't believe that she is one. It does seem like yesterday that she was just born and I don't want her baby-ness to end!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Here's the thing about Dahlia, she's a real walker. She started walking a little two weeks ago. Last week, she really started moving. And this week, my little squirt is a walker. She walks down the hall, she walks in the yard, she walks up and down the sidewalk pushing her little cart. She's super cute, sometimes I can hardly stand from squeezing the be-jesuses right out of her!

She's playing with Grandpa Ron's watch in this picture. Always has been a real favorite with the little munchkins (with Elias up to mischief in the background).

Dahlia is really starting to try to talk and sign. She knows where her tongue and her ears are and she is fascinated by my nose. She likes to cuddle up to me and gives me kisses when I am very lucky... I can't believe in less than a month, we'll be celebrating her one year birthday!