Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Another genius with the rings

Bath baby...so cute

Just call me spikey!

Another month passed, I'm not very good at keeping up on Dahlia's accomplishments. Shame on me. Let's see, she's rolling like mad and not only just back to belly, but belly to back, although she's not too keen on this roll. She has been pushing her little legs and body up, like she wants to crawl. I think Elias was crawling at five months. It's going so fast with Dahlia. She has started playing more with toys and of course, wanting to put everything in her mouth. She's really an intense player. Also, she's started these silly squeally little noises...I wish I could get it recorded. It's great...really silly, she does it in joy and to express frustration. Her favorite toys, to date, are the school bus, pumpkin head (after all these months), and now the wooden puzzle pieces.

It started raining yesterday. I decided we wstill needed to walk daily. So, instead of carrying Dahlia, Elias has really taken to riding in the backpack. I cover him with a raincoat, and push Dahlia in the stroller. She really likes the stroller. She plays with her toys and scans the radar for friendly faces to flash a cute little smile to through the rainshield.

What makes me smile about Dahlia...alot of things, but how she laughs after a sneeze or a cough.

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