Thursday, April 27, 2006


Ugh, 6 days late. I have never felt so big, so tired, so ready for my body to be free again to bend and run and to do all of those wonderful things! To feel my fingers and to be able to sleep on my back without suffocating. And, it's very stressful to be late, it brings up a whole new ball of worry and anxious anticpation. Not at all fun. Last night, I started having some contractions and I was sure that I'd wake up later with the "real thing" in play. But instead, I just woke up in the morning, as if nothing had changed. And I guess nothing had, man o man. Tomorrow marks the completion of my 41st week of pregnancy. I have a midwife visit and hopefully, she can stir something up! Otherwise, I think I start having to go in every other day for NSTs and AFIs. NOT FUN! Come on, baby girl! Get your little booty out here!

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